What is the most difficult thing for a first year teacher?

Friday, April 8, 2011


So... a lot has changed in my life since I started this blog. I got married and moved to GA in July 2010. I recently started working at a Head Start in Gainesville, GA. It is so hard to believe at times that I finally have my dream job. I'm really happy with this chapter in my life, and I'm just trying to enjoy the moments that make it so amazing.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Transportation Movie

As a final project in 486, we created a digital movie. I choose the topic of transportation. I have three categories including, things that travel on land, water, or in air. I really enjoy the final product of the movie, and I think the music I choose really enhances it. I believe my preschoolers will enjoy it also, and I can't wait to show them. It will be an awesome introduction to get them thinking about transportation. The software we used to create the movie was my biggest struggle. I had difficulties inserting the music and with the timing of some of my photos. However, I would love to make more movies about various topics possibly with another program. I know preschoolers would enjoy short clips, such as this one, and learn a lot from them.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Creating My Classroom Website

I completed my classroom website recently, and I really enjoy the final product. Even though it was fairly time consuming, I very excited about some of the resources I found for my students, such as a website from Knox County Library that reads stories to you as you view the pictures. Also, I think updating the site will be much easier and less time consuming now that I'm familiar with the tools and site. I hope this is something I'm able to access and utilize often in my classroom, and until then, I believe it is a wonderful marketing to for me. I believe it will show administrators my interests and dedication to student's learning. I really enjoyed this project and believe I will utilize it more than any other thus far.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Weather Diagram

Concept maps and visual aids in general are essential to a young child's interest, understanding, and memory. Even though I had never used this tool before, the weather diagram I completed was simple and not very time consuming. I found the program to be very user friendly, and the assignment went well. I feel like this program is something I could use weekly in my classroom for each concept or theme we cover to help the children understand what will be included in the topic that week. I may also consider completing it with the students' help, because they would benefit most from their own ideas being included. However, I'm also excited to see what kidspiration has to offer, and I plan to download a free trial at home soon.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Scavenger Hunt

Today, we went on a scavenger hunt to find 12 specific shapes around campus. I found it was so fun, even as an adult, and thought it all went very well. It was a great change of scenery, and one I really think my pre-k students would love. After a lesson about shapes, we could go on a scavenger hunt as a class. Because my students could not understand all those shapes, we could make it more appropriate by splitting the class into two sections. I could lead one group, while my paraprofessional could lead another. We could have a contest to see who can find the most circles, triangles, squares, and rectangles. Then, as a class we could view each picture of what the students found, and what a great review this would be! I’m very excited to use this lesson.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Posting Pictures

Recently in class, we were asked to post digital pictures to the web from different technologies, including a picture from the web, a scanner, a CD, and a digital camera. I have used all methods with a PC. Yet, I think it will be good to understand how to post pictures on a Mac also. I found the process fairly easy, and I know it will become less time consuming for me with practice. I know I could use these skills in my classroom. Because I will be a teacher of young children, visual cues are so essential, and the more resources the better. I could use pictures to update my classroom website as well to keep parents informed and interested in what occurs in our classroom.

Writing a Lesson Plan

When we wrote a lesson plan for 486, I found it more difficult than I expected, because different instructors have different expectations. Specifically, I found writing objectives difficult, because usually I write them with the process the student's would go through in mind. (Ex. The student will show interest by asking questions during discussion). However, this time we were required to focus on the product, or the outcome, of what the student's will know after the unit is complete. (Ex. The students will identify three community workers and their roles in the community.) In addition, I've never used a guided teaching book to direct my lessons, because I have been encouraged to be creative and open-minded. Regardless of the differences, I can recognize the importance of different expectations and experiences, because I do not yet know what my principal will expect. Therefore, various types of lesson plans will probably be beneficial.