What is the most difficult thing for a first year teacher?

Friday, June 18, 2010

Writing a Lesson Plan

When we wrote a lesson plan for 486, I found it more difficult than I expected, because different instructors have different expectations. Specifically, I found writing objectives difficult, because usually I write them with the process the student's would go through in mind. (Ex. The student will show interest by asking questions during discussion). However, this time we were required to focus on the product, or the outcome, of what the student's will know after the unit is complete. (Ex. The students will identify three community workers and their roles in the community.) In addition, I've never used a guided teaching book to direct my lessons, because I have been encouraged to be creative and open-minded. Regardless of the differences, I can recognize the importance of different expectations and experiences, because I do not yet know what my principal will expect. Therefore, various types of lesson plans will probably be beneficial.

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