What is the most difficult thing for a first year teacher?

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Scavenger Hunt

Today, we went on a scavenger hunt to find 12 specific shapes around campus. I found it was so fun, even as an adult, and thought it all went very well. It was a great change of scenery, and one I really think my pre-k students would love. After a lesson about shapes, we could go on a scavenger hunt as a class. Because my students could not understand all those shapes, we could make it more appropriate by splitting the class into two sections. I could lead one group, while my paraprofessional could lead another. We could have a contest to see who can find the most circles, triangles, squares, and rectangles. Then, as a class we could view each picture of what the students found, and what a great review this would be! I’m very excited to use this lesson.

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